Bright by Datagran


All-in-one AI Data Workspace. Datagran is a global AdTech-MarTech startup, offering an AI App made to grow businesses and their advertising efficiencies using AIWe advocate a better relationship between your data and the operations of the company. We are a unified system of record for customer teams, by combining complex engineering, analytics, prediction, management, collaboration and business growth in one place.

Based In
USA - Worldwide
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Role in the project

I worked with the SaaS team to bring UI/UX solutions based on the user behavior and needs. Doing also quick marketing actions to accomplish business goals.

• Wireframing.
• Prototyping.
• Email Marketing Flows.
• Landing Pages Design.
• Data-based Campaigns.

User Journey

Digital marketing has overcome other marketing methods in record time. However, even as advertisers divert more of their budgets into digital, questions about its transparency and efficiency remain.The problem isn’t digital marketing per se, but rather the status quo of the industry. Be mindful of its faults so your business can outsmart them on your next campaign.

Design System

Digital marketing has overcome other marketing methods in record time. However, even as advertisers divert more of their budgets into digital, questions about its transparency and efficiency remain.The problem isn’t digital marketing per se, but rather the status quo of the industry. Be mindful of its faults so your business can outsmart them on your next campaign.