
UX/UI Design

I acted as Lead Product Designer to optimize the SpendLabs corporate credit card management tool for mobile use. My goal was to create a native experience and a responsive version that could take advantage of mobile-specific features, such as being able to take a picture of receipts or import data. The challenge was to make the user experience for both cardholders and program admins easy, yet powerful.



After interviewing multiple stakeholders and users, it was determined that card holders who travel often have a difficult time accurately and quickly uploading expenses and receipts, which can cause problems for administrators and lead to them forgetting to charge their companies. Furthermore, program administrators also struggle to confirm information and process payments when card holders do not upload their expenses in a timely manner.

Information Architecture

After researching and carrying out card sorting activities, we determined the Information Architecture of the app. We decided to use a primary bottom navigation bar and a way to quickly accomplish popular tasks through the menu (like payments and expenses). We crafted a design and structure for each section and split the screens into two distinct types: Sections and Process.

Program Admin Experience

To complete the project, we also redesigned the UX for the Program Administrators, allowing them to oversee cardholders, view details, and generate reports. For the mobile version, we sought to streamline the approval and denial process.


After the deployment of the Minimum Viable Product (MVP), the number of users increased substantially, leading to a great deal of interest from banks in using the tool. Ultimately, this resulted in Spendlabs being acquired by Fiserv.

The Challenge

Datagran it's a complex product that involves Big Data, AI and Data Science. The challenge was to design solutions for user that are complex but usable, allowing people to interprate their own data and obtein powerful insights
